Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Diabetes-the Emotional Side

Looking back nearly fifteen years ago when I first suspected I had diabetes, several emotions played a rather substantial part in my disease’s development. Any one of them at any given time could have made the disease much worse and made my life in general worse.

The physical aspects of diabetes are well chronicled. The emotional aspects maybe not so well. Here is a partial list of the emotions I experienced and the impact they had on me.

DENIAL. When I first was told I had diabetes this was the first emotion I had. Maybe it was the nonchalant way the Dr. told me I had the disease in my life. He didn’t handle it very well which set the stage for my feelings. Those feelings only prolonged my getting control of the disease. Getting control of diabetes at an early stage of development is critical.

ANGER. The next emotion I remember having was anger. After the news set in and I began to get a grip on my situation I was mad. Mad at my Dr., mad at GOD, just mad at everything for getting my simple life so complicated. Mad at my new disease for turning my life up side down in my very prime.

WITHDRAWAL. I have always been an outgoing type. The retail food biz sort of demands that. When I got the news of my new disease (looking back in hindsight) I can see how slowly I began to withdraw and become more introverted. My personality slowly started changing as well. I became more serious and less fun loving.

DEPRESSION. Without sounding overly dramatic, there were/are times when I became depressed with my newfound disease. All the changes I had to make in my diet; the long list of meds arising from complications; the never ending (for me ) battle of weight loss; the stress of knowing the complications that can develop from my inaction; the list goes on.

Those were the major emotions I experienced-there are others. What to do about it?

The most important thing is to have a great support team surrounding you-family, spouse, doctor, nutritionist, etc. all those who can provide the emotional support you will need to cope with this disease. There are support groups at most hospitals that may help too.

The next thing is to know as much as you can about the disease. Only thru knowledge can you have any chance of success in fighting this horrific disease.

Find out more about this terrible disease at the link below for Diabetes. It contains useful information that will help all with this terrible disease.

Jack Krohn has had Diabetes, Pre-diabetes and Syndrome X for nearly fifteen years. He speaks from the experiences he has had during that time. He is also a free lance writer-the #1 author of Home Security Articles in the country according to EzineArticles.

By: Jack Krohn

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